Title | Date |
“Alpha player problem” in coops in a symptom, not the disease, The | 12/03/2021 |
Are miniatures improving board games? | 07/05/2022 |
Brass Lancashire vs Brass Birmingham | 28/05/2021 |
Comparison of draw systems in customizable card games, A | 12/02/2019 |
Cosmic Encounter: Philanthropist, or the gamebreaking power of giving | 24/02/2018 |
Dungeon Master: A greater opening through player engagement | 05/06/2020 |
Gwent: Condottiere under another name | 14/06/2017 |
Memorisation: Do we need this tedious mechanic? | 13/11/2020 |
Modern Art should not feature real artists | 27/08/2022 |
Pokémon: Battle against Red | 29/01/2019 |
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The aesthethics of scoring and murder | 19/03/2021 |
Team Fortress 2: A tale of incompetence | 23/08/2018 |
Terraforming Mars: My experience with the GIGA expansion | 09/04/2021 |
Tragedy Looper should not be westernized | 26/02/2021 |
Unfathomable vs Battlestar Galactica: Which one is better? | 26/11/2021 |
Why I stopped loving JRPGs | 10/03/2019 |