Settlers of Catan, Power Grid, Carcassonne, El Grande. Eurogames are one of the most influential styles in the history of board games. Originally from the last two decades of the 20th century, this German-born movement is responsible for the hobby’s current popularity. But what is a eurogame, exactly? And how did they come to be?
Category: Features
Features and articles by game critic Erik Twice. Discover the secrets of games, the people who make them and the community around them.
What’s a review embargo?
If you have been following game reviews for a while, you might have noticed they all tend to release at the same exact time. Moreover, you might have heard this is due to a “review embargo” that prevents critics from talking about a game before a certain date.
In this article I’ll explain what those review embargos are and how they work.
When does a boardgame become a videogame? Take the test
I firmly believe that videogames and boardgames are two different techniques within the same artistic medium. However, many do not agree and see them as being essentially different but with some overlap.
I’ve created a test to explore that overlap. In it, I showcase 30 games to be ranked in a scale from boardgame to videogame. No wrong answers, just questions to challenge our views of games. How different are they? What separates a boardgame from a videogame?