Category: Strategy & Guides

Strategy and guides for your favourite games by critic Erik Twice. Learn how to improve as a player and how to beat even the toughest competitors.

Netrunner: How to play online with

It may have never been officially supported by Fantasy Flight, but Android: Netrunner has a very active online play community. Centered around, a fan-made website where everyone can join up and play, this community represents a great opportunity to play a little bit more and against larger variety of opponents.

In this article I’ll explain how to join and how to navigate its interface to interact with the community, build decks and play. Let’s begin!

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Terraforming Mars: The best cards in the game

Cards are the heart of Terraforming Mars and understanding them is the key to win. But each one of them is unique and they interact in subtle, different ways. It’s often difficult to gauge exactly how good a card will be in a given game and often cards we thought would be standouts end up not panning out.

But there are some cards that I know I can always count on. Cards so versatile or so useful that will make a game easier or give me a much needed boost. They are the nine best cards of Terraforming Mars:

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